Been a veeeeery long time since I updated... How damn slack.
But you see I was waiting until I actually had something worthwhile to update with. And now I do and it's a bad thing.. You know when there are more drawings... there has been more spending! Eek.

Yeah. Baaaad. (say it as if you're a sheep)

Probably the best day... OF MY LIFE?
I filled the letters with things I could buy with my pay. But won't.
Until the next page at least...

Yeah. Slap on the hand. That's shit Jenni, SHIT.
(and also those are seriously lame and boring drawings but get over it)
So I got some tape and got my eftpos card and taped it to my wall.
Oh and I thought of a new 'rule' - can't buy clothes unless I sell some first. I really need to list stuff on TradeMe. Sigh.
Even though I'm over half way to my ultimate saving goal... I'm stressed I won't have enough by the time I leave! Eep.
And seeing as it's been exactly 2 months since my first drawing I thought I'd calculate all the things I spent into categories... Just for kicks, y'no.
Food & Drink - $60.09
Alcohol - $80.30
Clothes - $120.93
Camera stuff & photos - $424.80
Petrol - $202.32
Misc. - $169.80
Total = $1031.24
That's a lot. I seriously need to try and spend no money!
Oh and I uploaded some stuff to deviantart if you're interested...
click here!