I compiled a list of tips and ideas found from various sites and some from my lil head on a large piece of blue lined paper. Hopefully if I follow these (and create more ways) I'll save some mooolaaa...
1. only drink at home - no buying alcoholic beverages while out on the town (or get others to buy for me. heh)
2. brew coffee (or make instant) at home and take out in thermos
3. make a packed lunch every single day. no buying overpriced and unhealthy food!
4. no impulse buying! think about everything for a loooong time before purchasing
5. get mum to buy any groceries I need.
6. don't worry about brands - this goes for clothes, food, appliances, presents etc etc. cheaper will always be better in the long run!
7. buy everything I can secondhand! opshops, ahoy!
8. no buying bottled water. even signature range water is another $1something that's not going towards the trip!
9. carpool to uni with dad if poss - even getting there early is good (study time!)
10. only go to the movies or rent dvds on tuesdays.
11. list stuff on TradeMe. duh.
12. no online shopping - remember you have to pay for shipping on top of the actual item
13. no buying magazines - maaaassive waste of money. anything need-to-know is online anyway
14. try and do extra chores for mum and dad... pocket money please
15. absolutely zero fastfood. gross, yuck, expensive.
16. sell last year's textbooks.
17. put pictures of the places I'm going in my wallet! - did this today yayyyy. also covered my thermos with them! woohoo visual motivation
18. make a savings box for cash... all that cash I'm going to get...
19. eat leftovers. mm deeelish. (this kind of goes with number 3)
20. most importantly: don't buy stuff I don't need and don't buy things I won't use.
I know it's pretty straightforward, but it's good writing them down. Like, now it's in both ink and pixels it's pretty much law.
11 hours of work and no spending today = wonderful stuff.
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This is awesome. i think I am going to take this list and put it in my diary. I need to start saving again too!